Objectives of Ministry of Health And Family Welfare
  1. Policy regarding Health and Family Planning.
  2. International aspects of medical facilities and public health, international sanitary regulations, port health and medical facilities abroad.
  3. Education, Training and Research on Medical nursing, dental, pharmaceutical, Para-medical and allied subjects.
  4. Standardization and manufacture of biological and pharmaceutical products.
  5. Standards for import and export of drugs.
  6. Control and management of abandoned pharmaceutical concern.
  7. Medical and health services including primitives, preventive, curative and rehabilitate aspects.
  8. National/ International Associations/ bodies in medical and allied fields such as Red Crescent, TB Association, Diabetic Association, BMRC, SMF, BNC, BCPS, BDMC, Pharmacy Council, Nutrition Council, Dhaka Shishu Hospital, National Medical Institute Hospital, BNSB and such other bodies receiving Government grants in aids.
  9. Matters relating to:

    • Public Health.
    • Registration of births and deaths.
    • Adulteration of foodstuffs and other goods relating to health.
    • Control of epidemics and prevention of infectious and contagious diseases and contagious diseases and quarantine isolation.
    • Health insurance.
    • Standardization and quality control of foot, water and other health related commodities.
    • Prevention of smoke nuisances.
    • Nutrition research, educational and nutritional deficiency diseases.

  10. Hospitals and allied aspects:

    • Hospitals and dispensaries.
    • Lunacy and mental deficiency including places for reception or treatment of lunacies and mental deficient.
    • Regulations for medical professions and standard.
    • Administration of medical institutions and coordination and determination of standards in institutions for higher medical education or research.

  11. Control of drugs.
  12. Control of milk food.
  13. Port quarantine (sea and air) seamens and marine hospitals and hospitals with post-quarantine facilities.
  14. Port and airport health organizations.
  15. Medical examination of seamen.
  16. National Malaria Eradication Programme.
  17. Malaria Control.
  18. Sanitation of hospitals dispensaries.
  19. Scientific societies and associations pertaining to subjects dealt with in this Ministry.
  20. Homeopathy and indigenous systems of medicine.
  21. Objectionable advertisements relating to drugs and medicines, milk food and tobacco.
  22. Resettlement of demobilized medical and auxiliary medical personnel.
  23. Expanded programme on Immunization.
  24. Concession of medical attendance and treatment for Government servants other than:

    • those in railway service,
    • those paid from defense services estimates and
    • officers governed by Medical Attendance Rules.

  25. Medical examination and medical boards for civil services and those paid from Defense estimates excepting civilian services.
  26. Sports and health resorts.
  27. Countersigning of medical bills of the persons holding non-profitable offices.
  28. Reimbursement of customs duty on gifts on non-consumable medical stores received from abroad.
  29. Preparation of schemes relating to family planning and their submission to the prime Minister or the Cabinet through Planning Commission.
  30. Co-ordination and evaluation of all executive functions relating to projects and programmers.
  31. Motivation:

    • Preparation and development of publicity media to motivate people in family planning;
    • Organization of publicity work at motional and social levels and
    • Educational campaign in those matters.

  32. Supply of aids:

    • Procurement, preservation and distribution of birth control materials;
    • Enlightening the people on the use of birth control materials and
    • Organizations for providing assistance in the matters of population control and family planning through hospitals, health centers, maternity and child welfare centers.

  33. Preparation and co-ordinations of activities relating to family planning through other Ministries/Divisions and offices.
  34. Training in clinical and non-clinical matters on birth control and family planning.
  35. Arrangement for research in family planning and utilization of its results.
  36. Survey, monitoring evaluation and compilation statistics of field activities in matters relating to family planning.
  37. Activities relating to maternity and child health centers.
  38. Administration of B.C.S. (Health).
  39. Administration of B.C.S. (Family Planning).
  40. Post Mortem examination of dead bodies.
  41. All matters relating to administration of morgues.
  42. Secretariat administration including financial matters.
  43. Administration and control of subordinate offices and organizations under this Ministry.
  44. Liaison with International Organizations and matters relating to treaties and agreements with other countries and world bodies relating to subjects allotted to this Ministry.
  45. All laws on subjects allotted to this Ministry.
  46. Inquiries and statistics on any of the subjects allotted to this Ministry.
  47. Fees in respect of any of the subjects allotted to this Ministry except fees taken in courts.



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